Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Costumes:
Harry Potter
Ahsoka Tano
We stuck close to home this year and had a fun time in our neighborhood trick or treating. This was the first year that Audrey really "got it". The kids ended up with tons of candy and can't seem to eat if fast enough. Hope you all had a great Halloween!


Stephen said...

They look so cute.

Susan said...

You guys look fantastic! Anna I love your orange face. Jared don't you wish your costume came with a magical broomstick that you could fly on - that would be cool. Glad you got so much candy. Make sure you brush your teeth!
Love you, Grandma California

Susan said...

It just dawned on me that Audrey is holding a frying pan. How cute that she is Rupunzel.
Grandma California

Dan and Katie said...

Cute, although I have no idea what Anna is :)

Rinez said...

I love seeing the kids in their costumes. Good job!

Sonnet and Christian said...

I love the frying pan. What a fantastic touch. Jared makes a great Harry Potter and Anna a fantastic Jedi (nice job on that head piece) .
Question: What do the children of a future dentist do with all their Halloween candy?

Dan and Katie said...

Oh it's a star wars character