Thursday, June 23, 2011


We love You Pick farms and yesterday we discovered a new farm, Larriland Farms, for raspberry picking. We braved the stifling heat and humidity and started loading up our box.

All Audrey wanted to do was hold our loot. This made us all a little nervous when the box would start to tip over.

Audrey spent most of her time munching on raspberries, Anna helped her friend fill his bucket, but Jared was a hard worker and filled over half of ours.

Next time we will have to try their blueberry patch.


Sonnet and Christian said...

You always seem to find these great farms. I am a little envious. We don't have any farms here

Susan said...

Yum...makes me want to reach into the box Audrey is holding and snatch a few. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love Mom

adventure knitter said...

I miss larriland!!! That was our favorite. Feel free to mail me some... Oh and just prepare yourself if you pick spend a ton of time and hardly get wonder blueberries are so expensive!!

Rinez said...

Such fun family traditions. Your kids will always remember these days!