Monday, May 21, 2007

Father and Son Outing

Kevin and Jared loaded up the car and went to the annual Father/Sun camp out. Jared was so excited and being the thoughtful and organized kid he is he had a list of all the things he would need for the trip. He packed his own bag with clothes, balls, coloring books, pillow, blanket, and even his fishing pole. He supervised as I packed the food and loaded the car. As soon as Kevin got home from work they were ready to go. During the night they had a "visitor" (bear) snooping around their tent. After finding nothing interesting in Kevin and Jared's tent the bear found a cooler nearby and enjoyed its contents before leaving the campsite. This of coarse was Jared's highlight of the trip.


Anonymous said...

I heard about the bear incident. That must have been exciting. Thanks for telling me about the blog.

Coleen said...

Welcome to blogland! Jeremy shared your blog with me, hope you don't mind. We're glad you guys are sticking around :)