One of the great things about living on the East Coast is that there are many opportunities to visit historical sites. We are about 45 minutes away from Gettysburg, PA and today we decided to take the kids and visit the area. We made it to the visitors center first and all Anna wanted to do was to take a picture on a rock.

She and Jared both collect rocks and I think the opportunity to stand on this big rock could not be passed up. We didn't spend a whole lot of time in the visitors center, but long enough to take a picture with some artifacts that had been donated or found on the battle field. We recently just finished a Magic Tree House book that takes place during the Civil War and one of the characters in the book was a drum major. Jared and Anna thought it was cool to see an actual drum that was used during the Civil War.

After leaving the visitors center we drove around and saw a bit of the battle field and then stopped by the cemetery where Abraham Lincoln delivered the famous Gettysburg address.

I never knew the details that lead up to that address or really paid attention to the words, but I find they are particularly relevant today. Jared really found the cemetery interesting and asked a few questions about the address and the solders that are buried there.

On our way back to the car we met a solder and the kids didn't know what to think about him. Actually they were both a little terrified of him and didn't want to take the picture, but we convinced them that he was nice.

The kids enjoyed being outside and running around and Kevin enjoyed getting out of the house and taking a break from studying. We all enjoyed taking advantage of our proximity to a great historical landmark for our country.